Conkle's Hollow Fall Hike

Mapping GPS Tracks with Leaflet

One of the benefits of using the open source Leaflet mapping library is the wide variety of available community supported plugins. This simple map uses two great plugins - Leaflet Elevation and Leaflet Ajax. The ajax plugin provides a simple way to load data, while the elevation plugin shows elevation from a GeoJSON file in an interactive chart, added to the map as a Leaflet Control. The GeoJSON file must include coordinates.

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The plugin is easy to style using css, which is good because I am not a fan of the default themes. I did notice a bug when using the imperial: true option. The vertical line coming off the hike path disappears when using this option, but otherwise it works as expected. This is another simple way to show data on a map with minimal effort. The plugin does require the D3 library.

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