Leaflet Photo Map

A Trip Out West circa 1985

Update: This map originally used Google’s Picasa Web API, but this will soon be shut down. Instead of migrating to another Google service, I simply extracted the EXIF data from the photos (using this tool). The resulting csv was converted to json, which worked as a drop-in replacement for former Picasa feed.

This is an example of the Leaflet.Photo plugin, based almost entirely on Bjørn Sandvik’s post here. I did add a tweak that adjusts the photo when opened to a percentage of the size of the map div, but other than that I followed his example and the result is really cool. These are photos long since forgotten, of a trip my family took out west back in 1985. Most of the pictures were taken with a Kodak Disc 4000, or a similar model. Sod houses, the Lower Falls, Mount Rushmore, buffalo…it’s all here.

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