![Palisades Fire Before and After](/assets/img/sm_post-palisades-fire.webp)
Palisades Fire Before and After
A Sample of Available Satellite Data for Post-Disaster Visual Assessment
![Serverless Web Maps](/assets/img/sm_mbtiles-serverless-netlify.webp)
Serverless Web Maps
Using SQLite in the Browser and Service Workers to Power Web Maps from Object Storage
![Generating Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs and Raster Tiles with GDAL](/assets/img/sm_tiles.webp)
Generating Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs and Raster Tiles with GDAL
TL;DR gdalbuildvrt, gdal_translate, gdal_warp and gdaladdo
![Exporting AGOL Feature Services to GeoJSON](/assets/img/sm_agol-cache2.webp)
Exporting AGOL Feature Services to GeoJSON
Using NodeJS and Batches to Transform an ArcGIS Online Feature Service to GeoJSON
![Agol Cache](/assets/img/sm_serving-vector-tiles.webp)
Agol Cache
A NodeJS script to download all layers within a public or protected ArcGIS Online Feature or Map Service as GeoJSON.
![Network Tracing with Turf JS](/assets/img/sm_trace.webp)
Network Tracing with Turf JS
A Client Side Solution for Simple Upstream and Downstream Linear Network Analysis
![Pwa Maps](/assets/img/sm_serving-vector-tiles.webp)
Pwa Maps
A presentation on using OpenMapTiles and service workers to turn an interactive map into an offline-capable Progressive Web App.
![Leaflet Store Locator](/assets/img/sm_serving-vector-tiles.webp)
Leaflet Store Locator
A responsive open source store locator built with Leaflet and Bootstrap and based on the original Mapbox JS example.